OOC:The Track

Jun 03, 2005 06:09

The Tracks
Key * - Waiting On A Reply *< - Free For All << - Their Turn To Post ? - Requires New Top Post (T) - Being Temped (S) - Sleeping/Unconscious O - Character Open ! - Time Violation ø - Strike # - Impending Repossession ® - Repossessed (Date of Repo) ø - Permanent Strike ^ - Currently Exempt ♥
- Sal Loves You, Good Job!
Current ThreadTop Poster  Journal  Last Post Date   ? GelGelthe_mall04/21 ? AliceAlicetribal_alice05/02 ? Jack !Annathe_mall05/01 ? Sammy !Sammytribal_sammy04/26 ? Dee<the_mall04/28 ? (Java)Mega_mega_05/02 New Day New Scenes05/02 ? Tatty !Annatribal_anna05/06 ? Ved/Cloe/BradyCloe_cloe_05/31 ? Salene/RyanSalene_salene_05/24 ? Siva !Siva_siva_05/05 ? Dax/May Dax_dax05/28 ? Luke/Ellie Lukeluke_05/28 ? Lottie Lottietribal_lottie05/09 ? Mega/Fray(Line)Mega_into_the_fray_06/01 ? RamRamvirtual_ram05/19 ? Slade/Patch/Ebony/(Tai-San/Ruby)Sladethe_mall06/01 ? *< Trudy/Mouse/Patsy/Anna/
Bray(Braby)/Amber/(Hawk!)Trudythe_mall05/31 ? MozMoztribe_city05/21

No Current Thread: Character  Last PostLast Thread Jet10/19_moz_ Jade01/02_moz_ KC02/28the_mall Macy04/01tribal_lottie

Character Breakdown Character  Last Post Date
Alice 05/02<< ^(T)(S) Amber 05/31*< ♥
Anna 05/31*< ♥
Brady 05/31*   Bray 05/30*< ♥
Cloe 05/31<< ♥
Danni 05/31*< ♥
Dax 05/22<<   Dee 04/27<< ! Ebony 06/01* ♥
Ellie 05/28* ♥
Flower 05/24*< (T) Fray 06/01* ^ Gel 04/21<< (S) Hawk 04/30<< !(S) Jack 05/01<< !(S) Jade --/-- O Java 03/13<< ^(S) Jay 05/29*< ♥
Jet --/--O KC --/-- ^(T)O(S) Kerry 05/27*< ♥
(T) Lex 05/25*< ♥
Lottie 05/09<< ♥
Luke 05/22<<   Macy 04/01<< ^(T)O(S) May 05/28* ♥
Mega 05/22<<   Militia 03/03* ^ Moon 05/30*< ♥
(S) Mouse 05/31*< ♥
Moz 05/21<< ♥
(T) Patch 06/01<< (T)O Patsy 05/27*< ♥
(T) Ram 05/19<< ♥
Ruby 03/03* ♥
^(T)(S) Ryan 05/24* (T) Salene 05/24<<   Sammy 04/26<< !(S) Siva 05/05<< !(T) Slade 05/30<<   Tai-San 04/04* ^(S) Tatty 04/30<< ! Trudy 05/24*< ♥
(T) Ved 05/31* (T)O Willow 05/27*<   Zandra 05/29*< ♥
Violations (!) Character  IssuedStrike Date Dee06/0306/06 Hawk06/0306/06 Jack06/0306/06 Sammy06/0306/06 Siva06/0306/06 Tatty06/0306/06 Rules and Clarifications Those with time violations (!) will be given 2 days from the day it was issued and then it will become a (ø) strike.
Those with 3 strikes will be marked (#) in danger of repossession.
Those marked in danger of repossession will be given 3 days to rectify the situation (post!), and then the journal will be taken away from you and reset for a new owner.
Red strikes can be removed by gaming actively. If you have a red strike and we feel that you've been gaming actively for an unspecified amount of time (a week or so, but set on a case by case basis), we'll remove one from you at a time.
Those who have had their journal (®) repossessed may request to have their character back, but for the remainder of their time with us, they will carry a permanent (ø) strike.
Those who take back their original character they lost will be marked with a black strike on that character. Those who take a new character, without picking up their previous character, will be marked with a black strike on the new character. Those who carry more than one character will be marked on the character they originally lost.
Examples:Gamer Jane picks up KC. She stops gaming and, after having 3 strikes and a # issued to them, loses her character. She returns 3 weeks later, explaining what happened and requests to take KC back, gaining a ø. She gets back into the game and also picks up Ved. She remains marked on KC with a ø, while Ved is clean. A couple of months later, she stops gaming and loses both KC and Ved. A week later she comes back but drops KC, only carrying Ved. She is then marked with 2 ø's on Ved, carrying over the one from KC.
Basically, what I'm saying is, gamers can't switch characters to lose their permanent strikes. They are allowed 3 permanent strikes and then they are banned from the game. We have a three strikes you're out policy.
Permanent strikes can also be given out for other reasons, as deemed by the council, at any time. We reserve the right to remove the permanent strikes on a case by case basis, depending on the situation, but shall be considered forever permanent. We also reserve the right to refuse you reentry into the game based on the circumstances surrounding your removal from the community and your previous activity within the game. If you don't fit in here, you don't fit in.
People currently exempt from posting/repossession are marked accordingly (^). For now, they're safe.
Be Realistic: If you don't post for a month, we will remove you from your character, whether or not Sal has been able to keep up with this track or not. This is to be used as a tool to help her keep in line who is not posting, as well as to try and potentially warn gamers fairly before anything horrible happens. This may not always happen due to time restraints on Sal's part, but of course, if you aren't being a responsible gamer, then we'll have to take your character(s) away, regardless of "proper markings" or not. Imagining that no marks means you're getting away with not posting is incorrect, and though other members may not have posted in a couple of weeks or more, you might not be aware of their situation at hand and thus can not be compared to them. All decisions made against gamer inactivity are on a case by case basis, as no two gamers are the same, ever.
The one month rule is, and always has been, one of the rules stated in our FAQ. All group members should know how to get to that, and should have read it already. Ignorance of the rules is no excuse. If you think "no one cares" you are highly mistaken, Sal and the Council ALWAYS care and are generally keeping track of who is or is not keeping up. Think of it as our weirdest obsession.
Large Group Scenes: During Meal scenes, and most large group scenes, when not indicated as a separate scene, characters are on a free for all. Those in a large scene marked above with a *< may post at their convenience, as often as they like. Thanks! <33
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