eh what the hell... beth tagged me!!!

Aug 02, 2006 00:57

-Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 5 weird things/facts/habits about yourself.
-At the end, you have to pick 5 people to be tagged and list their names.

1. I am obsessed with teeth... When I meet someone new one of the first things I notice about them is their teeth... and if they are really really bad... i won't be able to look away and same if they are really pretty
2. I also have a thing for eye brows... I always notice a person's eyebrows
3. When I am really nervous or upset I pick at my cuticles until they end up bleeding... i know i know.. its a really bad habit.. but im working on it
4. I am a huge pack-rat... I save practially everything... everything down to movie stubs and broken bracelets
5. I am obsessed with myspace... I check it like 10 times a day!!!! I am also obsessed with changing my layout/information.. pretty much everytime you visit my myspace I guarntee that something is different
I only tag lauren cause everyone has already been tagged!
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