This is too long but READ IT ANYWAY

Oct 27, 2006 00:14

On Sunday I discovered that my car was missing. This was awesome. It turned out that it had been towed Friday because of the Homecoming parade (which I did not attend, although I sort of wish I had because I could have seen Grand Marshall Stephen Colbert). Anyway, so I went to the towing lot to retrieve it, where I paid a very unfriendly guy $200 through bullet-proof glass and then wandered around the muddy junkyard looking for my car as German shepards barked at me through chain link fences. Hopefully this will never happen again.

I'm really excited about writing right now. I love my major and all of my professors, especially Eula and Stuart Dybek, who is now my full-fledged pal. I was sitting in his office last week talking to him about this Rustbelt ghost story that I'm writing, and he started drawing diagrams and stuff and giving me advice on how to build a story. At some point during this I had a self-conscious moment of "what the fuck, STUART DYBEK is showing ME how to write a short story," and then he revealed to me that he is an amateur mycologist. Heh heh and you know what THAT means, kids...

Oh, and by the by long story but I do still have my job at NU Press. So far I've only been working half-time because I'm not work study, but my boss is leaving tomorrow for another job so in the interim period before they hire someone else I'm going to be working 11 hours a week which means MORE MONEY (for example, to pay towing charges) so that's good. Helicon (student lit mag) is also pretty fun and I is making new friends there who I like a lot.

Also, lately I've been listening to NPR every morning and I have to say that I'm pretty excited about the coming election. I don't really feel represented by either party, but obviously the Democrats being the lesser of two evils, I hope that everything doesn't backfire and they do, at least, take the House. Maybe then some actual progress will happen and reading the paper won't always send me into depression.

It occurred to me the other day that living in a city (even though, yes, living in the section of yuppie-downtown Evanston where my apartment is does not truly mean I live in a city) is infinitely better than living in the suburbs. INFINITELY. If my womb ever produces children I think I want to raise them in a city so that they'll be better people. (Although I will also need a rich husband so we can have a second home somewhere isolated so they can also make interaction with the nature.) Being constantly assaulted by different people and (literally) by crazy people and all sorts of food to eat and stores to poke around in, etc., is exciting and challenging and forces you to perceive differently. Cosmopolitanism is critical. And I hate every evil motherfucker who would prevent it from flourishing.

P.S. Here are some








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