Feb 14, 2004 18:29
They didn't have time to air my segment on the news last night. They filmed to late and there was also an urgent report they had to do. =/
But thats okay, because they'll air it on either Monday or Tuesday, and have it be a perfect little segment. XD It'll also be in the Miami Herald [again, as it was in the sports section today] and the Sun-Sentinal. It'll also be in the Palm Beach Post. AND it'll air in New England and Tampa Bay.
I hope to be on like 20/20. Barbra Walters is too cool. LOL.
Anyways, yesterday was cool. I met Jay Feidler [Dolphins QB]. Bobby Hamilton [Patriots Defensive lineman]. And Ellis Wyms [Bucks Defensive Lineman].
Bobby let me wear his Super Bowl ring!! KICK ASS I TELL YOU. It took up two of my tiny fingers, someone took a picture of it, but I don't know who =[ It's so big and shiny. Talk about BLING BLING.
Ellis took a picture of himself using my camera phone. He thought he was slick. Mommy told him it looked like a mug shot. HAHA. We have no shame, and speak our mind.
So yeah, when they came in, I was playing Spider Solitare [I'm hopelessly addicted.] Ellis asked if I could play spades. Of course I can! I told him I'd kick his butt in a game, he said he'd e-mail me one day and we'll play. I furthered the invite to all three of them over for dinner after I get my new lungs. I said I'd cook. London Broil, they all jumped at the offer, and Jay said he'd cook and bring over some swordfish. I said it's a date. =D
This guy, Brian Levy, set this all up for me. He has a daughter Ellie, whom also has CF. He's the players sports agent. And he grew up with Jay. How cool is that?
So Brian's pushing the news media to do all this. He's a good guy I tell ya.
Since I don't have a scanner at the hospital I'll type out the artical for ya!
Wearing an orange Dolphins shirt, 17-year-old Allison Bine forgot her life-and-death struggles for more than an hour Friday afternoon when three NFL players- Dolphins quaterback Jay Fiedler adn defensive linemen Ellis Wyms of Tampa Bay and Bobby Hamilton of New England- visited her at Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital.
Bine, who suffers from cystic fibrosis and is fully oxygen dependant, and been on the (Cadaver) Lung Transplant Waiting List for a year. Her doctors feel her current rate of decline requires a Living Lobar Transplant, which uses the lower lobes of two qualified donors' lungs.
"We're very greatfull," Bine's mother, Karen, said. "It's very important in a time of Ali's illness that she gets this transplant as soon as possible... We're making a plea to the public for somebody to step forward and do the donation."
Fiedler has been involved with Cystic Fibrosis charities through his agent, Brian Levy, whose daughter, Ellie, has the disease.
"When you see someone who is very close to dying, it really hits you hard," Fiedler said. "I've seen CF patients that have done very well that are healthy. Then you come and see some CF paitents who are close to death, to put it bluntly. She really needs our help."
Allison joked with the players and had a lengthy rapport with Wyms about computers.
"Anytime you can bring some kind of joy to her life or make her day a little brighter, it makes you feel goos to see her smile, to see her having a good time," Wyms said. "I know it's got to be tough to live with."
good article! They really are great guys.
Brian also said when I'm in St. Louis he'll fly over and take me to a Rams game. ;D
All in due time. It's going to be soon. I will be born again.
Oh yeah. and then last night at around 11:30 I started coughing up pure blood. Scared the crap out of me and everyone. Except my doctor, he just blew it off and said I just coughed too hard and popped a blood vessle. He was right. =/ Just really scared me.
until next time. ---