Feb 08, 2004 20:30
Well. A lot to update on. I spent two days at home, then was re-admitted into the hospital. I should have never went home in the first place. I felt misrable. So I'm back in. I was running a temp. 102.7 the other night, it was a rough night. Also my sugars were high, I was struggling breathing, and my heart rate was well over 160. Then I felt fine yesterday, and a rough night again, but without the temp. Then I woke up this morning, didn't feel right, took my temp... 103.2. It took a long time to get down too. And my nausea is out of control. So now they changed my meds around. And I'm on this cool drug called "Marisol" which is a dirivitive of marijuana. heh. So it's gonna increase my appiete.
I got such horrible news tonight. I found out that my ex-boyfriend Tony, died in a car crash last month. His "best friend" Josh was driving, and he was drunk and crashed into a tree. Josh survived, Tony didn't. Dom, the girl who told me, said Josh hasn't been charged with anything yet. I hope he gets the max. And the worst part is Josh has a little son, could you imagine if he had been in the car too? Josh is the most irrisponsible 30 year old in the world. I hope he gets all his custody of his kid taken away from him. Fucking assshole. Anyways, I got Tony's mom's number and had mom call her, she wasn't home. So she left a message. Poor thing. His mom is the nicest lady in the world. I love her.
Well I have to go now. Mom's gonna wash my hair. <3