Jan 29, 2004 20:13
Okay, well maybe my CF is that bad now. I'm just in denial. I was 911ed to the hospital on tuesday. =/ I woke up and wasn't breathing well, so I did a breathing treatment and just laid in bed freezing, I was running a temp and jusst didn't feel right. So I had mom call the doctor and tell him I was going in cuz I just wasnt breathing well. And then I had her call my thearpist and cancel her since I was going in, but she insisted on comming since she was already on her way. When she came and saw how I was breathing she said I should go right away to the hospital. So I had mom bring my wheelchair to my room so she could tak me out to the van and we could leave. I made it to the kitchen when I started coughing, and coughing and coughing. I couldnt catch my breath. We cranked my o2 up to 5 liters, set up another baething treatment and called 911. There was no way I would have made it to the hospital in my moms van in time. They came in about 2 minutes, I was only sating 87 on 5 liters. I did another breathing treatment and they put me in the ambulance and took me to the nearest hospital. So at the hospital they gave me another 3 breathing treatments, 100mg of solumedrol [steriods], and I was on 10 liters of oxygen now. Then they got me stable enough so they could transport me to my hospital. I was in PICU until today, and now I'm down to 5 liters, they want to get me down to 3-3 1/2 be fore I can go home. It shouldn't be too long. So yeah. What a day. That is all. Adios.