Sep 16, 2009 04:52
So had some fun 2 weekends ago, i went out to anime-fest. My main reason to go was to see Nick, Lisa, and Drew. Like we said the two nights i went out there to hang, only hanging out once or twice a year really sucks. But the crazy thing about the convention, is my past with it. I had some amazing times at anime-fest anywhere from meeting friends to girlfriends and really just plain randomness. Back at the hotel intercontinental with greg and casey, was my first anime convention in like 2001. God, thats 8 years ago now. LOL i remember working at gamestop and taking my whole check and blowing it at the con, so like $300-400 (gamestop pay sucked). this was really before the anime on the internet blew up. So if you wanted merchandise from your fav show. Really the only place to get it was from a convention. Its obviously changed locations since then, and the fans seem to be whiney babies. On an elevator last time i went i swear i was the oldest person in there by 10 years, sigh. I really miss conventions. Yeah for the anime (which i don't watch as much as i used too), but really for the 48-72 hours hanging with my friends with the only care being what and when are we drinking. Sometimes not even really what :). I guess its one of those things you look back on with fond memories and try ignore the drama filled ones.