Feb 24, 2009 03:08
So tonight on my way home from some Street Fighter IV @ my friend Sean's place in Grapevine. I like to think i was almost murdered, well maybe? So the story goes me and a benz took off at a light from a 4 lane road that turns into a 2 lane road. So as he is right beside my car door he decides he's just going to turn into my lane. He had road left as i was passing him and he has a huge shoulder to slow onto. So i slam on my breaks and flash my brights and honk as he passes me. For some reason he thought this was rude/unkind. So he pulls the even more juvenile "gonna slow to 10mph in front of you". I've had people do that to me so i just decide to pull over in wait. He OF COURSE takes this as let's fight in the middle of the street. Well i'm not for getting shot or my car getting dented by him. So when i see him get out of his car i take off. Of course the little guy (he was a short mexican guy) runs back to his car and chases me down. I don't take off for home cause i dont want him to know where i live, so i pull into a neighborhood. In there i proceed to just putt around while he swerves behind me. My saving grace was that he wasn't going to hit my car with his Benz. So he just swerved behind me for a while. Then i take a turn in the subdivion (thank god there wasn't a dead end) and he slowly drives off. I know this crazy fucked isn't gone so. I pull over in the back of the neighborhood so that i can see down the street into the entrance/exit. I sit there with my lights off and just like i thought he was in someones driveway with his lights off. So i waited like 10 seconds and he takes off so i take some back roads home. So moral to the story is i guess dont drive like a moron at 12 am. Cause theres some crazy fucks out there. Oh and i should have held my phone out the window to show that i was going to "call the police".