I literally just got done playing some gears 2 on xbox live and i had to sit through two guys talking about conspiracy theories. Literally shit like we have the hologram power to beam down plights against certain races so they believe the world is ending. So different regions would get different sights. We ALSO have the power since WW2 to beam thoughts into one anothers heads. They apparently used this technology in paranormal state ads on A&E. So they would use "technology" to make the different religious heads tell people thoughts they should have. THEN eventually "they" would morph all the religious heads into a main head. So we can take up arms against the ALIENS.
Seriously this is shit they said. I laughed like 6 times while they were talking. And each technology had a cool name like hologram one was blue something (all i remember was blue). I've never met anyone like these guys and i feel really bad for them that they worry everyday about crazy shit.