May 20, 2005 18:57
WELL... Things seem to be going okay... other than the fact that Alex and Kristin aren't dating. I don't want to force them to date, I just want them to be comfortable with their situation. I was even going to go down to the Adams' (Despite my terrible dislike for Zach). But she asked me to, so I was willing. Luckily, I didn't have to because Candise was there, and well I'm sure you can figure out the rest. Candise and Candace don't really mix. =o) So, that was good for me, but not so good for Kristin. Sorry.
There was a mouse in my house this morning. My cat chased it, and was just torturing it. So, I open the door to let the cat out, and after 3 minutes, he realized the door was open, totally ignoring the mouse, and ran outside. So, we have no idea where the mouse went... and Rajah ran up a flippin' tree. He fell like half way down the tree and then I got him. What is with all the mice this year? I've never even seen a real one until this year. MEH. evil wet weather.
I got Haunted on Monday night, and have been trying to read it. So far, sooo good. And now, I have a nifty bookmark/postcard compliments of Jake. mwaha.
I dissected a fish today and it was by far the most nauseating thing I have ever ever ever had to deal with. Even though, I'm sure it was worse for Megan.
School blows, my grades have never been so bad. I don't even have an A in science right now, and algebra, I have no idea what I have.
OH YEAH, in Algebra, there were Family Guy printouts all over the room. <33 Family Guy. haha. Silly kids.
Dear Dan, if Ronnie doesn't call next weekend, he will get a severe beating. lol. the end.