Dec 28, 2006 23:46
Oooo...the middle east is in shambles...lets sortah kindah mention that we think we may have made a mistake and then back out slowly. then turn. annnnd run.
Ford from beyonnnnnd the graaaAAaaaAAAaaave thinks it may have been an "error"
huh. go figure.
Canada plans to spend one billion to help fix up Afganastan in the next years. Really do hope others do the same.
Wedding tomorrow! mine. MINE!
ok so not really. someone I don't even know. But I'm hillary's Date! sweeeeet
I love weddings. giggle.
I mean...gurgle.
what to wear what to wear
You know that Newfoundland reality show? the makeover weightloss healthy eatting show whos name I've lost...
heh. on the season finally, when one of the woman was having her "coming out" party, in her new body, ball gown, and hair did, they asked her how she felt. "I feel like a hundred bucks!" heh. aimming high lady...
they're wondering why more aboriginal kids are getting bad marks in school, they're pointing the fingers at the school board. They say "school is for white people, not a place for them"
They say this as they're sitting at their lunch table eatting chicken strips and quoteing paris hilton. They were described as a "tight knit tribe." huh...
They're basing this interview on Six students. Amy doesnt like school, she takes easy math, her best class is shop. WELL YEAH. hows that different from any other kid.
Dont get me wrong, theres a bijillion issues with aboriginal rights and stereotypes...but makeing a bad 'documentary' isnt really going to get you very far...
So. I'm a little foggy. been drunk a fair amount. Had a good birthday though. not overly, but not overly bad either so I can't complain. After all Im wearing hole-less jeans and smelling like gingerale. Let down a little...but what else is new I guess.
Dancing in the snow on george street was fun! Konfusion's music was overly loud, and it was too late to get in bars, so we just danced on the street. yay jennah! glad she came home fer a bit. I'll see her at the wedding tomorrow too. Yep.
I'm done. thanks. bye now.