brad sick... help brad

Jun 17, 2004 14:43


brad have strep throat.

i've had strep throat since .... hmm ... soon after i made out in the field with heather. she has it too, so it's hard to place blame.

its hard to swallow. it takes all the comfort and joy out of eating. makes it a necessary chore for survival.

working at the factory hasn't helped. i called in sick on monday, but felt just as bad on tuesday. after i got out of work, i went by the hideaway to hear a friend's band play ... i felt fevered, and sore, and just bone weary -- i must have looked like a heroin addict, because i just sat in a corner, nodding my head, gathering up the will to shift position ... i had to leave before the last band played because i felt like i was going to collapse.

gotta go in to work soon... they've moved me to a different job -- now i'm screwing in the tops to water heaters -- got a pneumatic drill in my right hand and a handful of screws in the left, and i stand on the assemply line and pound down the lid and screw 5 or 6 screws ... gotta be fast with the screws.\

so, yes, i'm screwing water heaters. let the jokes begin.

new set of aches and wounds with this job. now my hands are getting blistered ... also, when you screw right through aluminum, little friction-heated metal filaments often land on your arm, or neck, or (once) lip -- its like a pinprick, or a tiny tiny wasp -- it's like a pencil shaving that burns you. not enough to cause any real damage, but not how i prefer to spend my days.

i cannot get mad at the water heaters though. its hard to get mad at anything that vaguely resembles R2-D2.

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