Feb 25, 2009 23:08
the world was turning darker still, when suddenly
like a grand elastic trail,
the path of Ivory and Gold, it leads us down, it leads us cold.
And into eyes of serpent's gaze, past the time-placed motorcade,
the stretch of land
stretched deeper still,
pierced your heart and rended his.
and far apart the two did land, with memory a dull and
useless thing.
where lives and deaths meant so much less, and you, in that Beautiful green dress..
would pick and choose
your happiness,
moments passing with the breeze,
days that vapor-like are free.
Where Earth and Time stood sturdy once now rumble from foundations set
before your birth and 'fore your love,
when essence was merely what it was, and purpose quiet and purpose still
were not enough to hold you there.
I've seen the stretching of the days,
from ice to warmth to ice again.
when Life makes sense, sense makes us see
Life isn't what it's meant to be.
and with the crash comes love and hate, and also midnight
set so deep
upon its leering perch of pearl, from whence it lashes and bears its teeth
at travelers
like you or i, who seperate try
to peer into his murky bowls, and siphon meaning from yet untold.
for all your deep set tragedy, you're so much simpler to me.
and in the shallow waves of dawn,
a kiss.