once again we've gone off track...

Jul 13, 2004 10:17

So I've decided to start the live journaling up again, and today seemed like a pretty good day, seeing as when Rick Benner comes back all hell will break loose. I might as well share my opinions with the world first. ;)

I saw this on somebody else's LJ and it looked like fun!! yea I know, I'm a poser. but it would be cool if a lot of people filled it out! It's kinda long, just to forwarn you...

Section 1: About Yourself
- Name: Stacy!
- Sex : Female
- Age: 16
- Location: orlando
- School: LHP
- Ethnicity: hispanic (well, half)
- Shoe Size: kinda random but... 7
- Hair Color: brown
- Eye Color: hazel
- Fears: drowning (I know, laugh it up), not getting into college

Section 2: Have You Ever
- Peed In Your Pants? haha no, but even if I did, I dont think I would admit to it
- Fallen Off The Bed? yea...
- Had Plastic Surgery? no.
- Broke Someone's Heart? Maybe?
- Had Your Heart Broken? yea, once.
- Had A Dream Come True? yea!!
- Done Something You Regret? haha yea..
- Cheated On A Test? no, havent you heard of the honor rock?
- Broken A Body Part? no

Section 3: Currently
- Wearing? boxers and a sweatshirt
- Listening To? coheed and cambria
- Eating? chewing on spearmint gum!
- Feeling? sleepy!
- Reading? The Great Gastby (it's actually pretty good, especially since it's not for school!!)
- Located? my room
- Chatting With? the usual
- Craving? ummm... nothing really
- Should Really Be Doing? hahaha... where do I start?!

Section 4: Do you
- Brush Your Teeth? what the hell? I dont live in a cave..
- Like Anybody: haha yea, let me tell everyone...
- Have Any Piercings? 4 in my left ear, 3 in my right
- Believe In Santa Claus? duh, who else brings the presents?
- Got A Cellphone? yea, before I tried to drown it in coffee
- Got A Pager? umm.. thats a no

Section 6: The Last Person You
- Hugged? my mom :)
- Gave Eprops? what?
- Fell In Love With? let's see.... there have been so many... :/

Section 7: Personal
- What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? something fun and interesting that I will absolutely love (right now its a genetic engineer)! and of course, I want to have a great family!
- What Is Your Most Embarrassing Story? hahaha, lets not go there...
- What Comes First In Your Life? Family
- What Are You Most Scared Of? didnt we already cover this? see above^
- How Many Times Have You Fallen Deeply In Love? deeply in love?? hmm... I've been in love once before, but then again, I'm 16..
- Love Your Friends? MORE THAN ANYTHING
- What Are You Addicted To? FOOOOOOOOOD (I want cake!!), laughing, my friends, swimming (sometimes)

Section 8: Favorite
- Movie: HOW TO LOSE A GUY IN 10 DAYS ..just ask me if you want me to quote it ;)
- Group: umm wow, I like a lot of 'em
- Store: not really that picky here either
- Sport: swimming (duh, it's the best...)
- Ice Cream: yummm, any will do, but TWISTIE TREAT is the best!!!
- Candy: reeses pieces
- DREAM Car: 2004 SILVER JETTA (best car EVER)
- Holiday: Christmas
- Day Of The Week: Sunday (no morning practice)
- Color: red
- Favorite Spot For A Date: ummm IOA would be cool (but kinda expensive)
- Favorite Resturant: TIMPANO'S... their hostess is HOT ;)
- Burger King: YUCK
- Wendy's: OMG I LOVE IT

Section 9: Do You
- Like To Give Hugs? yes
- Like To Walk In The Rain? depends..
- Dress Up On Halloween? well, I like the candy :)
- Like To Travel? yea
- Sleep On Your Side? not particularly
- Ever Have The Falling Dream? yea
- Go On Vacation? who doesnt?

Section 10: What Do You Think About

- What If This What If That: I cant even read through it
- Piercing: can be fine

Section 11: This Or That

- Pierced Nose Or Tongue? nose (tiny diamond stud though, not some huge gaudy hoop)
- Mtv Or Bet? mtv
- 7th Heaven Or Dawson's Creek? have you heard of The OC?? its amazing...
- Silver Or Gold? any girl knows the right answer is platinum, boys, are you listening??
- Color Or Black-And-White Photos? color
- Stay Up Late Or Sleep In? Stay up late- Left Or Right? right
- 10 Acquaintances Or 1 Best Friend? Best friend
- Mustard Or Ketchup? ketchup
- What did the Cabbage say to the Tomato while they were running? what the hell...
- Spring Or Fall? fall
- Happy Or Sad? HAPPY! who would answer sad??
- Mexican Or Italian Food? with food, it doesnt really matter, as long as its good
- Lights On Or Off? On
- Pepsi Or Coke? pepsi
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