i love you !!!

May 25, 2005 06:11

heyy !!!
omg you just made me day ! =] vanessa i love you so much !!! so the last past weeks have been realy hard without you !!! nd yes ive become the biggest bitch ever !nd i feel im trying to compete with you ! ness i love you so much nd i cant live without you ! wow. ive done many things to hurt you lately nd i feel like the worst person ! =[ i hate myself for it. but you just made me so mad that i felt i had to, but i regret it !! i realy do ! i owe you so bad !!! ive hurt you more then anything nd ive been trying to hurt you even more. vanessa i regret deleting your pics. kissing sean. bitching at you ! =[ i was gunna go out with him, but i realized i wasnt gunna hurt you that much. thank you so much for writing me that note ! im so glad that you forgive me after all i did to you ! ive been asking everyone, has nessa said ne thing about me ? nd everyday i got madder nd madder(if thats even a word) bc i heard you talking more nd more crap. nd the other night i needed you so bad, nd i texted you nd ashley told me nessa said dont text her IM her or call her !!! nd i acted like i didnt care, nd thats why i said the necklace thing, to try to get you back !! nd when i heard you talking to ash about going to miami, when i got home i cryed ! nd thought of all the things we were supossed to do together !!which everyday i dug myself deeper nd deeper in a hole ! nd ness, today when i got home from school, i have your new LJ password, nd i went on it. nd read all the entrys about me ! nd i started crying bc it said how much you hated me ! you mean the world to me ! i love you so much. nd lets start over new !!! i hope your parents dont hate me now !!! nd my parents dont kno ! =] we have so much to catch up on !!! =]
i love you so much, nd imsososososososososososo sorry !!
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