Apr 28, 2005 06:14
today i had ISS.
it was alright, but boring. some of the kids in there are so funny !
geez. i sat there all day nd did some work nd ate potatoe chips. =]
so it wasnt all that bad ! one of my teachers came in nd told me to take the pics off my binder bc he said they were "bad" bc me nd my friends are in our bathing suits. wtf ? he acts like he has never been to the beach before ! hes lame !!
im still waiting for my mom to take me to get my phone. grrr !!
=/ hopefully we can go the end of the week or during the weekend ! im keeping my fingers crossed! =]
ISS again tomorrow ! =[
im getting so fat, from being depressed lately ! =[ i dont like the way i look anymore. well its not like i ever did like it. but its worse ! =[ i need something to make me happy again.
thats about it.