Mar 17, 2006 18:59
Well Yesterday we played Rye Cove @ RC and won 11-2. Which was a great game for us. Our hitting really came around. I believe everyone got at least one hit! So we did really well. Our defense was awesome ;). So we have gotten the season off to a wonderful start!
Well the only bad things are that Erin is out for about 2 weeks because she has hurt her shoulder. We first thought it was something a lot more serious that what it really is. So now she is only out for 2 weeks instead of the whole season =) =) .. Thank God!!
Well TUESDAY is my BiRTHDAY!! YaY* I'll FiNALLY be 17! We also have a double header that night. Luckily its home though! We play Lee High and since Erin's out, I have to pitch! I don't mind to pitch.. I would just rather play Short Stop more than anything! ;)
Well only 40 more days of school left, and I'm thrilled. I'm so ready for this year to be over with, even though I'll probably regret wishing for it to hurry since I'll be a SENi0R in 41 m0re days ;)! So yeah High school is almost over with.. Just one more round of everything.. ='(.
Well Tyler and I are great. I don't know what we are doing this weekend yet, but Sunday is my birthday 'family thing' so he'll be over here for that. I'm not quiet sure what we are getting into tomorrow, but who knows!!
But thats about it for this update. I'm going to go hop in the shower!