No grand new discovery whatsoever, it's just that I've been brooding over the trip into the Forbidden Forest, and the Trio's attempt to get to the sorcerer's stone in PS/SS. Since I would expect book 7 to reflect book 1 'structurally', what I can foresee happening in book 7 are:
Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Hagrid (and Fang), and Draco would form a team of some sort with a mission to find and destroy the remaining Horcruxes. The Trio would naturally be the center of the team, Neville, Hagrid & Fang will later join in (Neville's obsene pe***-like pet plant and *eye-roll* Grawp would play a part) to help. Draco would come in half-unwillingly, somewhat like how he didn't want to go in the FF in book 1. But he would also be the last one to leave Harry, before Harry went on to fight Voldemort by himself.
To elaborate a bit more on Draco (collective groan from the audience: not again?!), he was the one who got me thinking about the possible partial replica of the FF trip in book 7. For I never quite got the point of including Draco in this little adventure- just why did we need him there? To show that he wasn't very brave? But his running away screaming was entirely normal a reaction from any eleven-year-old who comes face to face with a blood-sucking moster, and our resident Harry himself was immobilized for fear. Or was it a way to punish him for being nosey? But it was not like he alone was being punished, or more punished than the others. Also, interestingly the whole incident was the outcome of a subplot that revolved around a dragon :-)
Then we come to Snape, who would be the last 'task' Harry has to 'overcome' before he fights Voldemort, just like Snape's potion/logic quiz was the last obstacle Harry had to tackle before he got to the stone. But since I am a Dumledore's man!Snape subscriber, I believe this last task would come in the form of a 'lesson', in fact the MOST crucial advice Harry needs in order to beat Voldemort. On a tangent, I really wonder if there would be enough page-space devoted to solve the grand mystery that is Snape in book 7, and in what format? No more Pensieve, I believe, as as an exposition fairy it really has gotten old by the end of HBP. A couple more Harryless scenes? Maybe, but that might feel a bit of a cope-out. A (repented) villain's confession? Mine wouldn't it be one hell of a loooooooooong confession if we get nothing else, since there are about one hundred things we need to know from him. So I'm guessing, we would gradually learn about Snape from indirect sources throughout the book, possibly from Regulus or something he had left behind. Or Lucius, or Narcissa, and maybe a little bit from Draco.
So... Simple and logical or simply bullshit ;-)?