guess whos back in the motherfuckin house

Jul 18, 2005 03:56

I don't usually like to post about my days on here be honest.. whats the point? How many people want to read about your accomplishments or who fucked who or who you're fucking or even about some dramatic problem in your life? I try to avoid putting things like that in here and if i do its very short aka last post. It's more fun giving lessons in life..even if no one reads it. its a lot more enlightening than creating a dramatic soap opera. With that in mind.. shall we begin?

I've been noticing a lot people around me repeating the same mistakes over and over again. If something didn't work the first time...or the time after that or the 3 times following..what makes you think you're going to make it work this time? I'm not one for being really negative lately, but c'mon people. It's like those stupid commercials for coacoa pebbles or whatever where barney is always stealing freds stash. Fred should just fucking give up trying to eat that shit because he's never going to stop that asshole. I mean, he's like pulling mission impossible crap to get it...anyway..i'm getting a little off topic. Me personally, am not one to give up very easily, ask anyone who really knows me about that. There DOES come a time though when you have to say "fuck it!" and then move on to the next stage or challenge of your life. Live and learn. That's why we're mostly here. How many times do you have to fail a class to realize that you need to be studying? How many times does it take you getting burned to realize that the person you love/like isn't worth a shit anymore or never was? How many times does it take mario saving the princess to realize that bowzer is ALWAYS going to have his way with her? Take a good look at your life and think about what's always wrong with it. Maybe it's that you're stuck doing the same thing over and over again? Running around in circles hoping that things will change all by themselves..YET, What will change by itself is your'll get older and next thing you know you've wasted too much time. Life is precious I discovered, I want you all to too. You dont have to walk around with your shoulders slumped, your fuckin belly jiggling about and your worthless girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse lingering about like the stench of death. It's so incredibly easy to get stuck in a hole and make excuses, I KNOW. but excuses are just problems of the past. What does that have to do with the future? You are holding yourself back: "well i had a bad childhood and my family said i was worthless wah wah so i cant appreciate myself". That's limiting yourself. No one takes anything too seriously from their childhood so why take THAT whatever your parents said seriously? EVERYONE has the potential to be great and live whatever life they choose to lead.
With all that being said if any of my handfull of readers would like to know a little hint on the first is working your body into shape. I know its not always easy to do that or find the time. I feel that if you work out more and feel active your attitude can dramatically change. You'll begin to see things a little bit differently you wont feel so insecure and always looking down when you walk..
I hate to cut this short but I'll probably have to finish it some other time. i'm tired as fuck and ive got 4 and half hours till class starts. So,goodnight

but ill leave you with one more bit of advice..use your chainlock on your doors at night. I hear landlords tend to sneak into peoples places at night and people wake up with sticky eyes heh. (inside joke for the few)
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