(no subject)

Apr 27, 2006 23:58

I just finished a geometry project I've been working on for about 8 hours. I had to tessellate a bunch of shapes onto a 20x15 piece of oak tag. We could pick any shape we wanted... I picked Pokemon. So I just had to make over a hundred little Pokemon tiles, decorate them, and glue them into a 300insquared piece of poster board.
I drank 5 cans of mountain dew and drank 2 cups of tea because I still have more homework to do and I might not get any sleep tonight which would suck majorly because I'm supposed to go see this play tomorrow night. Arg.
But I did have a stunning realization:

Why would they say "happy as a clam"? Clams aren't generally happy. In fact Clams don't have brains large enough to register feelings like happiness and sadness. Even if clams did have the ability to feel emotion I doubt they would be happy. They live under the ocean in cold sand and mud. Sand gets stuck inside them and forms pearls which people kill them for in order to make necklaces. Clams with out pearls are in for an even worse fate because they either get cooked while they're still alive or eaten raw. So clams are killed for jewelry, cooked, burned in stomach acid, and of cause those who don't die like that are eaten by otters or spend their lives in the muck on the sea floor. Happy as a clam.

I'm covered in glue and my cat is trying to eat pikachu paper cut outs. I think there's a scrap of paper in my boxers and I feel like there are spiders all over my feet. It doesn't help that my good glasses are being fixed and I have to wear my old ones. Everything is blurry and itchy. I'm happy as a clam if clams had feelings.
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