...Forsaken,Forgotten without any love...

Dec 30, 2006 14:15

I hung with Char,Toni, and Darrell last night. Ive know Char and Darrell for such a long time and they still are great people. Toni is Char's husband to be and he is awesome and hilarious. He calls me Boss and Haus and all this other stuff. We just drank and played music with sweet lyrics. "...You smell like shit,you smell like shit, you like to eat turds and suck on farts cause you smell like shit..." Just a sample. So i got hammered and passed out in the chair and thats what happened. I had to attend a wake for Cory's father Ray last night. I was really upset that Cory and his family have to go through this. I really liked the guy. He was solid. My little bro has been in and out of the ER this past week. As soon as I can Im getting down to Texas so I can see him. I pray everday he doesnt die before I see him. It's scary. My life is perfect compared to his. He's my blood and I will trade everything that I own to spend just a week with him. I love him and Im distraught about all of this stuff lately. Shit always seems shitty, not good. I hate my attitude.
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