(no subject)

Jan 02, 2006 00:40

Happy Holidays to everyone...and a Happy New Year...!

Christmas was awesome this year. Sometimes it takes a lot to say that at our house. Usually something happens but this year...awesome! "Santa" got me the Garth Brooks CD set from Walmart (well, I kinda knew about it), and got the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire soundtrack. My parents got me the Black & Decker Home Cafe coffee maker, and Becky & Oskar got me some stuff from Colorado. Oh, and Meghan bought me Season 3 of The West Wing!! Woohoo! I also got some gift cards and money so Seasons 4 & 5 are looking better and better every day. ;)

I hate my job. But I'm sure everyone knows that already because I only say it every few months. I'm re-applying to put my name back on the state employment list for a position with either the DEP or DCNR. Pfft...yeah, right. I can't see myself getting a job anymore...I'll be at the crack shack forever. And lately I've been feeling unwanted for some reason...I can't figure out why.

Other than that, it was a very good Christmas. I'll share about New Year's later. :) It's bed time now.
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