please be a doll and do this for me :) ♥
1.Who are you, what's our relationship:
2.How and where did we meet:
3.What's my middle name:
4.How long have you known me:
5.Tell me one good thing about myself:
6.When you first saw me what was your impression:
7.My age:
9.My favorite band at the moment:
10.Color eyes:
11.Do i have any siblings
Read more... )
2.How and where did we meet: basketball wut up?!
3.What's my middle name: wow no idea.. im gonna go with ruth
4.How long have you known me: a smidgen more than a year
5.Tell me one good thing about myself: ure fucking gorgeous.. oh and amazing at bball.. sry that was two. couldnt help myself
6.When you first saw me what was your impression: damn that girl rockss at bball.. i want to be her friend :-D
7.My age: 16
8.Birthday: november 3rd
9.My favorite band at the moment: polar express
10.Color eyes: brown
11.Do i have any siblings: yup some hot twin named gill.. and some half sisters.. idk how many.
12.Have you ever had a crush on me: sorry.. i dont roll that way
13.What's one of my favorite things to do: basketball.. softball.. hang out with me LA LA
14.Do you remember one of the 1st things I said to you: no.. my memory blows
15.Describe me in 3 words: super hot/amazingatbball
16.How would you describe me to someone: super hot/ amazing at bball
17.Would you ever date me: again.. dont roll that way
18.Tell me one thing you've always wanted to say but never did: ure cool? oh wait i tell u eeveryday
19.What do you like most about me: everything
20.If we could spend a day together what would we do: play bball.. and paint pictures of italy on walls in our school
21.Have we ever gotten in a fight: yup.. recently actually :-(
22.Do you think we will be friends for at least 3 or 4 more years: uhh duh! even when ure in college.. totally still bffing it up
23.Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. rachipoo.. cuz i call u that
24.Do you think I'll get married? duh
25.What makes me happy? bball.. malone.. random old artists singing
26.What makes me sad? stupid people in our school.. not seeing me
27.What reminds you of me? old weird men singing while painting.. italy. L'CANTAME CANTARE
28.Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same? stronger.. everyday
29.Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen? absoltuely.. and i have
30.What song (if any) reminds you of me? l'cantame cantare
31.If you could change one thing about me, what would it be? nothing
32.Do I cross your mind at least 1 time a day? probs.. lol
33.Would you say I am funny? absoltuely
34.Would you call me preppy, average, sporty, punk, hippie, nerdy, snobby, or something else? hot
35.Am I good looking? uh duh
36.Have you ever seen me cry? yes
37.If you could set me up with one person for the rest of my life, who would it be? malone :-o sorry jenna
38.Whos my best friend? me.. jenna.. jackie
39.Whats my favorite sport? bball and softball
ure hot. love u lala
ure my life. period. dont let anyone tell u differently.
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