Aug 15, 2004 22:53
Name: Amber
City: Mansfield
State/Country: Mass
What is your neighborhood like?: I live on a street. Not a neighborhood.
Do you live in an apartment or a house?: House
How many siblings do you have?: 1 brother
Are your parents divorced?: No.
What kinds of pets do you have?: 4 cats.
What are your parent(s) jobs?: Mom's a manicurist.. Dad's an Auto-Body Mechanic
If you had to choose someone to be with on an island with: I couldn't choose. Meri, Maria, Jess, and Kyle.
Do you hang out in a group? Small or large?: Medium? I dont know. I'm friends with everyone.
How many pairs of shoes do you have?: like 500?
What do your pajamas look like?: Like.. pajamas.
How many piercings do you have? And where?: Ears.
What piercings do you want to get?: If i ever have a flat tummy, why not a bellybutton ring?
What religion are you?: ...Don't have one?
Why?: I was raised that way
Colors: Pink!!!
Why?: Because I'm a girl?
Music genres: Musicals.
Why?: I like them.
Article of clothing: Underwear ;)
things in your house: My room.
TV show characters: Spongebob. and
TV Shows: Will and Grace and BMW (boy meets world!!!) DEGRASSI IS THE BEST THOUGH.
photograph: uh. Dont have one.
Place to be: TYT
Favorite Bands
Do you think you are....
Open-minded?: Whats that mean?
Yourself?: Everyday.
Independent?: yes
Fair?: hah. sometimes when i want to be.
Kind?: yes.
Good looking?: no.
Funny?: no.
Annoying?: to people i hate :)
Smart?: not always.
Slow?: only mentally
Wild?: YEES.
Rebellious?: yes.
Sweet?: sure.
Good?: occasionally
Have you ever...
Smoked pot?: nope
Shot or held a real gun>: no
Shot heroin?: no.
Had sex?: hasn't everyone?
Gave oral sex?: nope
Recieved oral sex?: no.
Been arrested?: nope
Went paintballing?: nooo
Snorted cocaine/smoked crack?: nope
Used someone?: not intentionally
Been used? How?: probably
Attempted suicide?: nope never
Mutilated yourself?: uh. dont know.
Got wasted?: sure?
Been to Disneyworld/Disneyland?: yes.
Been to Sea Word?: no
Been to Six Flags?: yes
Been to a waterpark?: yeah
Ran away from home?: YES LMFAO
Been in court?: nope
Quick! Name.....
someone who makes you laugh: Jess
someone who pisses you off: Matt
someone who is annoying: Ian
something that makes you happy: Anna
something stupid you've done: huh?
something really nice you've done: i dont know. lmfao
something awesome you've done: ^^
someone who you want to kill: no one :)
someone who you think deserves the best: Caroline!!
someone who has hurt you: My broooother.
Right now- Current......
Obsession: Kyle? lmfao
Annoyance: My headach.
Event: Writing this?
Clothes: Green AE shirt, green shorts.
Food/Drink: nothing. I'm thirsty though.
Music/Music you'd like to be hearing: Bye, bye birdie
Are you/do you...
a smoker? why?: no..
a stoner? if so, when did you start and why?: no.
drink alchohol a lot?: not as much as some people
make fun of people?: yes, but i try not to.
gossip?: more than i should
get into physical fights?: nope
argue a lot?: well, yes.
like animals?: yes
What do you think of....
gay marriages: i absolutely support it as much as i possibly can.
abortion: pro-choice
war: stupid.
homosexuals: i love them :)
homophobes: stupid.
feminism: sure.
satanism: creepy
racism: god damn downright.
christianity: good?
rap music: eh.
rock music: yes.
MTV: i watch it every day.
sushi: never had it
cheese: lmfao. sure?
showers: yes....
sex: yes please :) lol
school: love it
labels: stupid
Just some random crap
Mood: Tired.
Bored?: yep
What are you doing now?: this stupid survey
what time is it?: 11:07
when was the last time you made out?: You would only like to know.
what did you do/what do you plan to do today?: Just got back from the movies, so bed?
Do you watch a lot of TV?: Yes.
Do you like sarcasm?: no.
Do you have a website? What is it?: no. too lazy.
What's your favorite website?: (hahhahaha)
What's the last thing you bought?: a movie ticket.
When was the last time you threw up?: not long ago.
Do you have a big nose/pointy nose/sloped nose or what?: I dont know!!!
Are you single?: no :P
Are you superficial?: whats that mean?
What do you think you superficiality?: ....
What will you do when this is over?: sleeep
So thats a survey that i stole from troy's livejournal :)
Just got back from the movies with Kyle. We saw Alien vs. Predator... it was a really cheesy movie. lol.