I am at my internship with nothing to do. Today is such a fucking lazy day! All I want to do is go home and sleep. Its so wet outside and the sun is nowhere to be found. I had whole foods tuna salad for lunch, super yum, with a raspberry natural soda, double yum. This week is gonna be a doozie I can tell. Why? Because I had that big midterm last week that I studied my ass off for, now I am too sick of school to even look at the 4 articles and a BOOK I am supposed to read this week. Arg. Last night I went to the Candlelight Ceremony for National Mental Health day. It was sort of boring but they showed a pretty interesting (could have been better) documentary on the cemeterty restoration project going on at Central State Hospital in Millageville Ga, Once the biggest "Insane asylum" in the WORLD. There are 30,000 people buried on the Central State Hospital grounds with nothing but a metal stake with a number. Many do not even have a stake. It is quite a sight. They have begun a process to honor all that we burried without dignity. I would really love to visit, the cemetery is now on the Historic Landmark preservation list and may be the largest burial ground for people with mental illness. Its hard to imagine a loved one thrown behind a hospital with a metal stake marking the spot. So sad.
Here is an article about what they are doing.