OOC NOTE: Please note that any words in italics are direct quotes from the episode "Kobol's Last Gleaming 1/2"
If you could take back one thing you said in anger, what would it be and why?
"Would you miss me, sir?"
One simple question and I couldn't even give her a proper answer because I was just so angry and hurt that I wasn't thinking straight.
"I need every pilot I have. Even the screw-ups."
The moment I said those words, I regretted them.
I wanted to take them back but pride is a funny thing, it enabled me to walk away without looking back. Pride gave me the strength not to say 'I'm sorry' and my anger just fed it until I could no longer tell what was real and what was just in my head. I never really got the chance to say that I was sorry for what was said, she jumped away to Caprica and I was left staring into space after her.
I've run the moment I said those words over and over again in my head. Why didn't I just say what I wanted to say which was "Yes, I would miss you" but again, my anger was driving me and it was pushing me to say things I didn't mean at all. I've got one hell of a temper on me, it just takes a lot to get me to the point of exploding and Kara has this way of pressing every button I possess until logic and rationality are thrown out of the nearest airlock.
I'd do anything to take those words back, anything, but I can't because I've said them and I'm going to have to deal with that fact. There's always been this sense of too little too late in my life, everything seems to be that way with me. It's annoying but I guess how the chips fall is how they fall and right now, I'm playing a dangerous game and I'm hoping against hope that I'm doing the right thing.
I just wish I hadn't said goodbye to Kara in the way that I had but what's said is said and what's done is done. No going back, no changing the past, the only thing you can do is trudge on with the future.
Muse : Capt. Lee 'Apollo' Adama
Fandom : Battlestar Galactica (New TV Series)
Word Count : 351