shizmeister 69 (idk where that came from)

Oct 25, 2004 16:01

wow i havent typed in here in 830954274958634958237495 years...actually its cuz we're moving, my mom shoved my computer in a box somewhere so i had to wait to get to the library so moving this week

school...chris sat with us for like...3 days...he's such a cool person for being the 2nd coolest person on the face of the earth
then the pep was cool because x-country ended up being the only team on the football field in the, nora, m'ie, and rebecca made fools of ourselves in front of the whole school cuz we did cartwheels and handstands and stuff

then it was practice time...we played frisbee like woah and it waz crazy...

then me and rebecca talked about ppl and she was in the modd to talk to me so it was really coolio...then i went to my mom's house until 7:00 when i went to the movies and saw the grudge and omfg it was the scariest movie in the fucking world and i sooo could not sleep after and amy screamed 3857907659287395432 times....

saturday: very and joan got hungry and went to julians and bought pancakes and soda and reeses..then we went back and watched tyler and jerry and derek and jesse play tennis and tyler and jesse humped joan and it was all good...then ppl were making out on the football field and i wish i could have done that...but oh well...another job for another day

then we went back to joan's house and had pizza and got ready and went to the dance

the dance sucked so much ass cuz everyone started crying... and i oculdnt have any fun cuz evryoone was crying and then m'ie is a slut and so is allison and m'ie made out with mike right in front of me and i screamed

me, joan, matt, and mike all wanted to start a mosh pit but everyone was ghetto so we did our own little mosh pit

ashley and jesse broke up...poor jesse...he's really cute and nice...i dont understand that

so after the dance i ended up going in my room and crying so its all good...and then i cried harder because a special song came on and since i was in a bad mood it made things even worse so yeah...that was the important stuff to my week...

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