(no subject)

Mar 17, 2007 23:19

OH MY GOSH TODAY WAS AMAZING. it was the day of the san diego county emergency drill, and i, as lucky as i am, got to be a victim!

i got down there at 8 and it was FREEZING. they did our make up, i was a nonbreathing unconscious person with a capillary refill greater than 2 seconds.  This was a huge thing, it was all of san diego county.

i got fake blood and bruises all over my face and clothes and hair, and then blueberries squished on my head becuase it looks like gashy blood. so they threw me in this construction site tube, and we waited for people to rescue us.  Finally, some people found us, and it took them forever to get me out of there (not becuase i was stuck, but because they were standing around talking about what to do.) so they pick me up with plywood (inside, i was flipping out the whole time,  i thought they were gonna drop me!) and duct taped my head firmly down against it so my spine wouldnt become out of place. it was so painful being pressed against plywood, my head actually hurts pretty bad from it. so then im so cold because i had no sweatshirt that i start shaking, so they thought i was convulsing.  I couldnt say anything because i was unconscious, but i became the first priority victim when the ambulances got there, but they didnt come soon enough and i died.

the second time around, they wanted me to have a miscarriage, so they stuffed me up with cotton and stuff and that drill was fun even though it took FOREVER  to find us.  they didnt even try to save me, they pronounced me dead without doing anything but looking at my classification tag, before  even taking my pulse, that was a HUGE mistake and critical error for that team being critiqued today, so that was bad.

some of the victims had gashes on their legs and everywehre, and there was a bag blood attached to the gash so they could squeeze this little ball thing and blood would squirt out.  then some people could put oatmeal in their mouth and spit it out next to them to look like vomit, same with blood in our mouths.  then they used shaved turkey for scraped skin on wounds. there were a few gouging eyeballs, and a few portruding bones, some tools stuck in people, it was awesome.

they even set stuff on fire and had an earthquake simulating machine and everything, so awesome!

driving home was funny cuz people kept staring at me with these huge wounds all over me.

then after i got home i took a shower and went to darrens house.  From there we went to the spaghetti factory with his family and grandparents, which was really fun becuase his family is just the best.

we came home, i helped him with yearbook, and watched some 24. i had a really good time though, sometimes i still wonder how i got so incredibly lucky with such a great guy.

and tomorrow is the sock and sandwich run, which i am so excited about! we're going to have a great time in san diego. we're meeting at the church to make sandwiches, then we're going to head down there and hand them to homeless people (and give them socks too, why brandon chose socks, i dont know, but i guess if i was homeless a nice pair of socks would be awesome!)

yeah for spring break! boo for having no one to hang out with since everyone is still in school. booo! but it will still be a nice break, i think.

peace out!
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