Meesh interviewed me.
1. If James Dean was back from the dead (looking rather lively) and waited on you at a 24 hour diner, what would you say to him? - "No, no. I said small fries and a large coke. Yeah. Simple mistake, it's fine."
2. Do you know the muffin man? - Not personally, but a friend of a friend once went out on a fairly publicized date with him. Turns out he's cheaper than one might expect, and the birds play havoc with his social life. They spent the entire time cowering under a sculpted rose bush. Of course, by the end of the night she was starving and was forced to pick out little parts of his chocolate chips. It all worked out in the end though, he considered that foreplay.
3. Assuming you were a dashing young man in pinstripe and you had 24 hours to make me fall in love with you, else your father sell you into slavery, what would you do? - Having been not only dressed in pinstripe but also had my sex changed within a number of moments I can also assume that there must be a little buccaneer in my blood, if only because the Gods command it. So, with my strategically placed hat and a good few jewels to dazzle the onlookers hanging from my belt, I'd hoist you onto my ship in the most dramatic of fashions and set sail for new lands to discover new fabrics, different consistencies of glitter, and publishers that realize that as long as you've thought of it it's highly entertaining. Then, with the cunning use of a flag and a recycled Eddie Izzard joke, make you the infamous Queen of it all - or buy you some flowers.
4. Is it better to want something you'll never have or be deprived of the stimulation that comes with want all together? (creatively speaking, I guess) - I'd have to pick the former. An utterly blank state of existence, even compared to a frustratingly unfulfilled one, is something I just couldn't take. After all, everyone loves to claim to be a tortured artist.
5. What did you have for dinner last night? - Fish. It's all my mother buys and I'd rather climb half way through a guillotine and get stuck than go shopping. So it's all I ever eat.
That was fun. :D And, according to her journal, now people have to be asked to be interviewed by me. So, go on, ask.