Last night, while trying to divert the cat from drooling on me, I got to thinking about those long light fixtures you find in schools and other uninviting corridors around the world. A fascinating subject, you might think, and it only gets better...
It's not so much the light itself, as it is the insects inside that seemed note-worthy at the time. How do they get there? And why do they bother? Call me crazy, but if I saw a place littered with the scorched corpses of my insect brethren I wouldn't be overly eager to wriggle my way inside to join them. In fact, I would probably go out of my way to avoid it.
The only reasonable explanation I could surmise, is that these miniture martyrs* are placed there purposefully to add atmosphere. When a building is designed, say a hospital or library, madmen are contracted to give it that air of authenticity: the green on the walls, the stains and distinctive smells, and most importantly the little mass graves we call lighting.
Or maybe... it's a small way for the janitors of this world to fight that System we all hear so much about. I don't know. Well, next time you see a disgruntled looking janitor, check their pockets for any suspicious jars...
*Alliteration Rules!