stole from jimmy.

Jan 01, 2005 14:26

TEN Random Things About Me
10. my birthday was the date of a few tragedies in history.
9. my birthday is tax day
8. i love books
7. despite the constant complaints about my body, i love it. lol
6. i love my hip bones. lol i dont know why.
5. it takes me a while to get over a guy i like.
4. it takes me 30 seconds to get over a guy i went out with.
3. i know nothing about football, i just sit and stare blankly at the tv screen.
2. i hate film appreciation. never take that class kids.
1. i actually like going to school.

NINE Places I've Visited
9. New York
8. Atlanta
7. Philly
6. Orlando
5. Maritza's house
4. Virgina Beach
3. Daytona Beach
2. Atlantic City
1. Tee Mall

NINE Places I Want to Visit
9. Paris
8. London
7. Riverside CA
6. Las Angeles sp. lol
5. Cancun
4. Greece maybe.
3. Tokyo. haha
2. The Kimmel Center in Philly.
1. Hawaii

EIGHT Things I Want To Do Before I Die
8. Live in New York
7. Get Married
6. Do something for someone else and feel good about it.
5. go to college
4. Have Fun
3. Go to a real concert. lol 15 and still have never been to one.
2. take an anger management course.
1. have kids

SEVEN Ways To Win My Heart
7. call me everynight
6. tell me you like me.
5. flirt a lot
4. say something cute
3. complement me
2. make me happy when i feel like shit

SIX Things I Believe In
6. life after death
5. homosexual civil unions.
4. Democrats
3. love only when you find the right person; and over 18.
2. murphy's law
1. there is a god.

FIVE Things I'm Afraid Of
5. rejection
4. death
3. being alone for the rest of my life.
2. blood
1. needles

FOUR of My Favorite Items In My Bedroom
4. computer
3. stuffed animals
2. mp3 player
1. my books

THREE Things I Do Everyday
3. pee
2. eat
1. go on the computer

TWO Things I Am Trying Not To Do Right Now
2. clean the rest of my room
1. eat something

ONE person i want to see right now
1. nick i think. only because hes cool.
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