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Jan 25, 2006 20:16

today was a really good day.
minimum day at school so i didnt really do much of anything. i fell asleep in english while we read hamlet. it sucks tho becuase i really like shakespeare, i just have a really hard time recently staying awake in that class. made some prints in photo that ms. conant wants to put in the art show. its ok i guess, my parents are really proud of me tho. i dont get it, like, its just the school art show, when i had art in the del mar fair over the summer that won ribbons they didnt want to go to that. kinda funny i guess.
the best part of the day came with lyle tho. today was the best day ive had with him in so long. i went over to his house and found him laying on the floor in his room becuase his phone was charging on his bed. wtf? so we cuddled for a few minutes before i started to tickle the life out of him and it was just great. i havent heard him laugh like that in so long or seen him that happy. it was like we just started dating, just sheer happiness without thinking of anything else. twas grand<3 then we made pizza and ate some nutter bar things before my doctors appointment. after that we surprised his mom at work and visited with her for a few minutes. i really like lyles mom. we both notice the same things about him that annoy the crap out of us, but we love them at the same time. its great. then we went to walmart and then to guitar center so lyle could play his future bass. i love this boy. i really do. he makes me glow<3
besides the great amount of homework i have to do, the headache i have, being really extreamly tired, and the begining of aunt rube's visit, today was a great day.

ps- i park far away so i can walk further with you.
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