Ichiiro is, unfortunatly, in major need of some nice clothing. My oh-so-charming cat, Cleo, had a bit of an accident, so a lot of his stuff (ie, the stuff that can't be washed) is going to have to go, I think.
Which brings me to a bit of a rant on the prices of clothing for dolls. A lot of people got pissed at me in one of the threads for saying that a lot of MSD-sized clothing was overpriced, and whatever they say, I still think it is.
IE, if I pay $50 for my jeans (which I did, because it is effing IMPOSSIBLE for me to find jeans that fit, but whatever) I damn well don't want to have to pay that much for Ichiiro's jeans, too.
It just goes back to one of the biggest problems I have with this hobby: the price, and the stigma that if you don't/won't/can't pay top dollar for something, you don't "appreciate" your doll.
One of the top named things in the thread about what brings other people's dolls to life for you was "nice clothes." Not much listed about personality, or whatever, but "nice clothes."
What is this, high school?