(no subject)

Oct 23, 2005 20:00

We ate at Al's before heading off to Lyra's place ... and Kai decided he was hungry.

Kai: What're you lookin' at?

... uhm, yes. July and Finrod switched clothing. *meeps* Blackmail! :D

[uhm, I snipped the body comparison shots, FYI.]

Nate: there's no way these things fit you, Ichii.
Ichii: *sigh* You're telling me.

A nice, tame game of cards ...

... almost turned a litte violent. (Sorry this is so blurry ... I had to post it, regardless.)

July: Your ears are pointy! ^0^

supercute!Lolita!July! :D (The wig, dress, bear and basket are Hanae's; the shoes are Nate's (!) Ajumapama loafers.)

w00t! fanservice!Finrod! <3

Group shot! This was a lot of fun to set up, even if it took bloody forever~

Meep: guys, what's one plus one?
all: three!

Random shot of Hanae, 'cause she's really cute.

Ah, young love; a romance just waiting to happen ... You can just tell they're gonna end up together.

... but we totally did not see that one coming~ *meep*

That's a little more in-character, Ichiiro.

Cat-eared fur wig by Lyra. Isnit cute?! ^0^

Since Mom didn't feel like driving out to Jericho, Lyra met her half way~ and of course, everyone had to come along for the ride.

... and Finrod decided to check his e-mail while we waited for Mom to get to the arranged meeting place.

outing, candy, ichiiro, meetup, cute, group, photo

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