Nov 29, 2006 18:26
everything sucks. i feel like im losing touch with everything. like im on my own in a huge crowd. school, social life, personal stuff, blahhhh. i think i failed two classes this cycle and got mostly Cs everywhere else and yea i know thats my fault for thinking the way ive been thinking lately, just got into college so nothing matters anymore, but it actually made me feel like crap. the few people that i enjoyed spending time with the most in school and on weekends and stuff that made going to school something to look forward to havent really been around much. i;m not blaming them or anything, i understand you have your own lives and you have to do whats right for you. its gotten to the point where i end up spending most of my school day on my own, even though there are still a good handful of people that i could always talk to and be with, i never have that one person or group of people that im always with. i see other people at school and someone always has at least on other person with them. i almost feel like a freshman again.
swimming isnt even as appealing as it used to be.kind of the same situation there. last year there waas always like 3 of us that always got along and would even meet up on saturdays to train together. one of them moved and the other is barely there now :/. they made it worth it, we would lean on each other for support and motivation. it's all gone for me now. basically on my own.
idk maybe i need this or something. i've been a firm believer in whatever happens, happens for a reason. maybe this is preparing me for something harder to come? or maybe i just shut people out.