
May 28, 2009 15:49

sorry i hardly ever check anybody's journal...

The Little Spycrab

another one that oekaki refused to upload, but i saved it
destruction buddiesss
I usually play Pyro but i suck at playing TF2 in general
I'm actually so bad, people call me out on it

a thing for the Hetalia kink meme
I also wrote some embarrassing filthy porn

also for a kink meme prompt, TurkeyxEgypt with jewelry or something, but I never finished it. The way I do lineart is so stupid and annoying it'd take so long to draw all the details in the necklace and headdress ugh but this pairing is hot, maybe i'll finish it.

I also have a bunch of other WIPs from like TWO YEARS AGO
i never finish anything god

this one just started as a face study of my OC Vokuro and then...yeah.
I never finished it because his head looks too big or his hand looks to small or something, I don't know, it's bothering me. Also that is the most downs-looking little shark ever

ugh I should have just cel-shading this

OH YEAH so Painter randomly decided to fucking stop working a few days ago, every time i try to start it it says "can't open the file PAINTER.SET". What?? WHY?? I haven't deleted any files! And i've scanned for viruses. What the fuck is this shit. I fucking hate computers.

I can't really use Photoshop for painting, so I'm going to have an extra hard time finishing this shit ugh

"Linzer tart cookies"--they're actually just shortbread cookies with raspberry jam. but they were SO BRICKSHITTINGLY GOOD. in related news, this morning i realized i've gained five pounds since coming home from college, and i think these cookies have something to do with it.
so good though i mean they're like pure butter aghghghhh

I finally decided to try to make wontons. It actually wasn't that hard. The problem was that all the recipes called for a soup stock made with pork. The one i used actually called for pork, chicken, AND ham to be boiled to make the stock. I never eat pork...except in Chinese food, because its always mixed with stuff and it tastes good. But my mom wouldn't allow pork into the house so I had to use regular chicken soup...because of that, it didn't taste quite right. The wontons were also difficult to wrap the way the recipe showed. It was easier to wrap them in the triangle style.
Anyway maybe i'll try making shumai and gyoza next but gyoza probably calls for pork too. :<

I found this channel called Cooking with Dog that shows you how to make various japanese dishes (with a random dog just sitting there...). Now I really want to try a bunch of things!
I usually only bake, so I was pretty happy this came out tasting great. The omlette isn't as yellow and pretty as in the video, but i think that's because they don't cook it all the way through.

After this, though, i tried to make the soba noodle soup, and it was a complete just became a lump. that's the only way i can describe it lol. I think it was because i tried to combine the udon soup recipe with the soba nooble recipe and there wasn't enough soup, so it became mush...
it was also disgustingly sweet tasting UGH WHAT THE HELL DID I DO moving on

Then I wanted to make blueberry pie, but it was kinda.... fail. First of all, why was the crust all bumpy like that? And then when i cut into it, it was SOUP. BLUEBERRY SOUP. WRYYYY
after i put it in the fridge for a while it firmed up enough to be cut-able though but it was still runny oh well it tasted okay.

cooking, hetalia, tf2, photos, ocs

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