So I'm sure you all are wondering what happened to my face. And since I am forced to tell this story about 15646364874 times a day, I will post it here where everyone will see it. If you haven't heard it already, you will hear it now. Prepare your self. It's pretty grusome. I was at Amanda's house and she left her straightener on. I leaned back on a pillow, not knowing the cord was behind me and the cord got caught. The straightener then fell off the dresser and hit me in the forehead, toppled down my face, popped open and landed on my cheek. There is now a ginormous burn on my cheek in the shape of an arrow. So there you have it. Please, staring isn't nice. And it doesn't make me feel any better when you want to touch it, or ask me DOES IT HURT. No, guys, it feels like rainbows and smiley faces. Okay? Okay. Don't ask "what happened to your face" because I won't answer you.(=
Here are some pictures, for those of you who haven't had the pleasure of gawking at it yet
Yes folks, I AM aware that it looks like an arrow. no need to remind me.
comments are nice....