So J seemed to be doing better. She is still uberly clingy (which is driving me mad) and little things are turned into a huge drama , which means she isn't really her old self yet. Which got confirmed this evening when she went up stairs to her bed all by herself at 18:30 (usually she sleeps around 20:30 because we take her to bed, because it's really time to get some sleep). She slept for a little hour and then woke up crying about her ears. Probably middle ear infection. After an hour of dozing off and crying again we gave her a painkiller (under loud protest). She seems to be sleeping now for 15 minutes straight already, so I guess the painkiller finally kicked in. I'll keep her home again tomorrow (even though it's not beneficial for my mental health, it's better for her and I'll just have to keep in mind it's all just because she isn't feeling well).
I dreamed J and I were visiting
voressima. We traveled there by train. It was a good thing I printed a map of how to get to her house from the train station, because we already got lost. I wanted to buy her mother some flowers, but the shops were closed :S