Dec 17, 2013 11:30
Being sick has it's benefits: time to write a livejournal entry.
I guess I ate something wrong yesterday. I felt kind of sick all evening. It also lasted during the night, which made sleeping less enjoyable. This morning I got up and felt it wasn't over yet. So I got the bf out of bed (normally he stays sleeping till I also get J out of bed), and finally puked. I did feel a bit better but not too much yet. Being upright was still challenging. So the bf had to get breakfast and J ready and while took her to school I slept on the couch for almost another 1,5 hour. I still don't feel really well and I just sit quietly on the couch now. Not moving too much seems to be ok. My stomach just keeps cramping up. Lucky thing the bf can also work from home. Not sure I'll be able to pick J up from school later today.
So here I sit on the couch under my blanket trying to keep a cracker down; time for an update.
Our anniversary last Friday was ok. We took J to school, the bf went to the gym and I did some grocery shopping. We went out for lunch together at this pancake restaurant (they served gluten free pancakes for the bf). We then picked up J from school again, visited the gardening center for some presents. We then had a normal afternoon. When J was finally asleep in bed (which was around 9pm) we watched The Hobbit Extended Edition. I fell asleep in the goblin cave though and missed the last hour :S
J's teachers started to do some harder works with J. They first checked which letters she already knows (which is all in printed letters, but they use written letters, so she doesn't recognize all of those). And she is now "writing" words. The teachers tells her to write a certain 3 letter word, like "lip" and she has to find the plastic written letters for that word and put them in the right order. Apparently she is doing ok with that at school. At home she just says she doesn't know how to do it. At least she is busy again at school instead of being bored of doing the same things over and over again.
I've finally managed to get my diet thing a bit back on track again. With the temptation of Sinterklaas candy around I just couldn't resist eating way too much. So I think Christmas will be the same. I can finally fully exercise again, I only feel my ribs when I fully stretch myself. The half kilo I gained is now gone again. On to going down again.
Maybe there was more to tell, but so much for now. I can't think properly with this hurting stomach :S