This month my nephew will turn 5 years old. He is going to have a pirate themed birthday party. My sister had the idea to do sort of hunt outside with his friends and I should hide somewhere in the bushes as a pirate.
So I started making a pirate jacket. I failed at making look like a pirate jacket, but it's look pretty cool anyways (it's not perfect though).
It's lined with some blue decorative fabric (it had a certain traveling feel to me) en has decorative buttons (upper buttons are on the sleeves, the lower ones on the front). Maybe I need to put in a different ribbon at the back, but this is what I had at hand.
I think something on my head and a sword in my hands, would make it more piraty (I fear I failed at the overall look, but whatever):
And I will probably have the jacket closed and I'll be wearing a scarf, because it still is January (meaning cold).