Yesterday the bf came home with a bunch of red tulips for me :) Now isn't that sweet. Because it was the 13th (we always add another month to our being together on the 13th) and today Valentines day (like we ever celebrate that). Maybe it was also to make me feel good. The night before we had a long talk about me getting fat and stuff :S
He dyed my hair yesterday evening. It is very happy red again now (instead of some faded colour).
Our garden is currently under attack by cats (usually at night while we are sleeping). Highly annoying, because they dig holes and pee and poop, which my plants don't like. So we already tried mouse traps, pointy objects sticking out of the soil, pepper, stinky cat repellent. But the most satisfying was today. I sprayed one cat with water. The cat didn't know how fast it should leave our garden, moohahaha. Just for the record, I really like cats and think they are cute and all that, but they aren't supposed to use my garden as a cat litter thingy.
current mood: