Nov 04, 2004 22:50

Well, this entry is dedicated to Caitlin cuz she told me to update. Um..nothing too important happened today. Civics ends tomorrow! Woohoo! Um...we went to work on our history project today and that was maybe kinda successful. We still have to do some more scenes and such. Well, we lost the camera and had to look for it. We were all in the basement looking for it and *someone* decided to scare me to death. I got really scared! And they were all laughing and making fun of me and it wasn't nice. I really don't have anything too important to say...I missed Heena today...everyone knows that though. I miss Irena daily...and she didn't come to Reach. For shame. Even Alex went to reach. Tsk tsk.

Well this was shamefully short but I have to go to bed now.
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