Nov 13, 2006 22:13
Sometimes I wonder what it is that is wrong with my brain. I say things people apparently don't hear, I don't say things I know in my mind it feels and seems to me that I've said, I hear things people don't, I don't hear things others do.
Pictures of people on boxes and in stores... their eyes follow me wherever I go and they won't stop staring at me. The babies and women on the Q-Tip boxes, pictures of men, women, and children at the eyeglasses store in Walmart, pictures on ads and silly newspapers, magazines... they won't stop staring at me.
Oh yeah. I still don't have a job yet. My wife constantly reminds me of this. The voices in my head constantly remind me of this. My wife's family, my family, my daughter constantly remind me I don't have a job. My daughter's heart sinks when she comes home from school to see me still here. That feels nice.
Why oh why did we ever leave Vermont? I would give anything to go back in time 6 months and just STAY.