Jul 24, 2006 21:36
Taking the advice of a certain special friend... yes, you know who you are... I decided to stop wallowing in despair and do something about it today. This time I called Jacksonville and stirred up a hornets' nest MYSELF and SUPPOSEDLY everything "still looks real good." I explained to everyone I talked to today the urgency of my position, and again supposedly everyone got the message. What does it mean?
So far, nothing new. But at least I feel better about it. I left messages, I talked to people, I'm not just sitting here waiting around anymore. My wife is ever-supportive and trusting, and why she makes her stand next to a fuck-up like me I'll never know. Motivation and patience have always been my two biggest weaknesses. Self confidence is much better now that I have a family depending on me, and my wife is the love of my life.
So tomorrow? I'll be making more calls. I'll become the pain in the ass until I get an answer either way. If they see how passionate I am about getting BACK the job I deserve, maybe they'll relent and just LET ME TAKE IT!
I also got a call this morning from another factory here in town to see if/when I was available for an interview. Even if I'm not serious about taking the job, I think I'll go. I love interviews. I nail them everytime. This will be, however, the first one I give when I know with almost 100% certainty I am not taking the job. Sounds like fun, eh?