Apr 15, 2004 03:11
1) using bands names : spell out your name
L ennex
A dema
U ncle Fucker
R edfield
A uthority Zero
R age Against The Machine
E lement 8D
B lessedbethyname
L inkin Park
D epeche Mode
O piate for the Masses
M ushroomhead
A partment 26
R a
2)have you ever had a song written about you? I used to hang out with the boys in STD, and Horseface told me that the song that he sung, about how this girl he really liked's mom was hotter than she was, was about me.. and he also wrote a song for me about me in my notebook.
3)what song makes you cry? None..
4)what song makes you happy? A lot of them!
a p p e a r a n c e
height: 70" - 71"
hair color: Brownizzle
skin color: Pasty..
eye color: Blue and greyish
piercings: my ears
tattoos: None yet
r i g h t n o w
what color pants are you wearing?: Blue
what song are you listening to?: Nothing
what taste is in your mouth?: Sprite
how are you? kinda bored. not yet tired
d o y o u
get motion sickness?: No
have a bad habit?: procrastination
get along with your parents?:yes
like to drive?: yes
f a v o r i t e s
book: rotten ralph
non alcoholic drink: the purple sprite remix
alcoholic drink: green apple smirnoff ice
thing to do on the weekend: same as week days
h a v e y o u
broken the law: yes
ran away from home: no
snuck out of the house: not really
ever gone skinny dipping: no
made a prank phone call: alot of them
skipped school before: yes
been in a school play: yes
l o v e
Girlfriend/Boyfriend: yeah
sexuality: heteroish
children: no
current crush: you ;)
been in love: yes
had a hard time getting over someone: yes
been hurt: yes
your greatest regret: none i want to tell.
r a n d o m
your cd player has in it right now: my car cd player has a fenix tx cd in it
what makes you happy: sleep
w h e n / w h a t w a s t h e l a s t
time you cried: i had yawn cries earlier
you got e-mail: welcome to camp lennex
thing you purchased: a sprite remix.. the purple kind
y o u r t h o u g h t s o n
the government: POO
spice girls: yay
dreams: i'd rather live in my dreams..