Fandom - "Battlestar Galactica"

Mar 03, 2006 22:22

Title: 'Bang Bang'
Author: mands_angelfox
Rating: PG
Genre : Angst
Pairing: None
Word Count: 836
Feedback: Constructive criticism is appreciated
Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine, I am merely borrowing them for my own twisted means and I am making no money out of this. Please don't sue me!
Spoilers: A lot for season two so if you haven't actually watched it then it's probably best not to read this
Author's Note: This was actually a response to a challenge posed at deviant_muses and the question was: "How will your greatest enemy/best friend kill you?" but I was proud of the piece so I thought it was worth a posting.
Summary: Lee reflects on an event that shouldn't have happened.


'Bang Bang'

Roll your shoulder, lift your arm, tense your muscles, flex your hand, roll your shoulder again.

The words spoken by Doctor Cottle day in and day out since Lee got shot. Lee's pretty tired of the routine by now and also tired of the constant looks being given to him. Like there's something wrong with him when really all he did was get shot by his best friend. Some people say that it meant something, that maybe he pushed Buck one step too far and she just lashed back but Lee trampled those rumours like the unfounded bullshit that they were.

Roll your shoulder, lift your arm, tense your muscles, flex your hand, roll your shoulder again.

He hasn't sat in a cockpit since the infamous incident, his ability to handle a Viper at high speed and in dangerous situations taken away from him by one squeeze of a trigger. Sometimes Lee will dream and he'll feel the bullet again, he will get that nauseous feeling before disbelief dispels it and he will just end up feeling nothing. Her expression is burned into the back of his mind and he sees it every time he closes his eyes.

Roll your shoulder, lift your arm, tense your muscles, flex your hand, roll your shoulder again.

Lips have caressed the scar but nothing will ever take the memory from Lee, nothing will ever give him the peace that he's looking for because he can't shake the feeling that maybe someone is trying to tell him something. First his space walk and now a bullet through the shoulder. Funny thing, Lee always imagined that it wouldn't be a friend pulling the trigger of a gun but it was and he'll have to deal with that as best he can.

Roll your shoulder, lift your arm, tense your muscles, flex your hand, roll your shoulder again.

A sharp piercing pain rips him from thoughts and shakes him to the core, one hand has moved to cover his shoulder and he expects to feel blood but there is none. Not since Doctor Cottle stitched him up. The events take to playing back like a bad movie and Lee wishes he could just look away but he can't stop himself, he has to look and he finds himself looking deep into Kara's eyes. Her image is tilting, fading as his weight drops and then lands flat on his back. Blood escapes, stains his shirt and pales his skin but he can't look away. Kara shot him, her finger squeezed the trigger and she put a hole in him.

Roll your shoulder, lift your arm, tense your muscles, flex your hand, roll your shoulder again.

Gentle voice touches his ear, trails over his jaw and soft lips capture his. For a brief moment, Lee's able to escape the nightmare of reality and he can just be. Only it never lasts long enough and the twinge will remind him of what happened and how close he came to dying. Lee knows it wasn't on purpose, he just got in the way but the knowledge doesn't make the fact any easier to live with. Part of him wants to know what Kara thinks and feels but the realist in Lee knows he'll never get answers to the questions he has so he hasn't asked.

Roll your shoulder, lift your arm, tense your muscles, flex your hand, roll your shoulder again.

Lee's tired of this, tired of going from one mistake to another. His life wasn't supposed to be this way, it wasn't supposed to be so frakked up. They should have let him be, should have let him go when his body was telling him to just let go. There's a scar on his shoulder that wasn't there before and a new set of painful memories but everyone has those - Lee's not the only one with ghosts and he knows that. Maybe it's one reason why he hasn't stopped to talk about what it is he feels, maybe he should before it eats him alive.

Roll your shoulder, lift your arm, tense your muscles, flex your hand, roll your shoulder again.

He won't be getting back into a cockpit any time soon and it's something else to deal with, not only does he have the time to think about the incident but he has no distraction. Paperwork only gets him so far before everything catches up and he's staring down the barrel of a gun again. Sometimes he'll jump at a loud sound or wince when he moves his shoulder. Dee keeps him busy, keeps him from thinking too deeply but the moments are fleeting. He doesn't always get what he needs and sometimes he isn't sure what it is he's after.

Roll your shoulder, lift your arm, tense your muscles, flex your hand, roll your shoulder again.

Maybe when it's all over, he'll be able to close his eyes and not see Kara's face behind the gun that sent a bullet through him.


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