Jul 17, 2003 01:56
What a delightfully childish evening. Walking home from the Odyssey Diner in Eastchester, who else picks us (me Christina Justin Sweeney) than Geoff! Nate! Allison!. We tried getting to Blockbuster and failed, so we went to Nathan's arcade. It was so intense. I haven't been there in so long and it's so fucking great. Geoff is great. On the way home he was having problems with his principle directions. Twice Nate told him to go right and instead he went left. Around the third time, Nate fucked with him and told him to go right, just to see if he'd go left. Geoff began to go right, Nate told him to go left, so Geoff ended up on the wrong side of Pennsylvania Ave., at which point he decided to drive over the grass island.
I have more writing to do. And none that you can see. Until it is ready. Then you still may not see it. Doesn't even matter a goddamned bit. Don't take any words for granted. They're not the author's, they're not yours. They belong to the void.