Dec 30, 2008 03:15
Never let it be said that I don't appreciate my boyfriend! Haha da I love you! The past few weeks have been pretty happy because of you! (Barring the days I get obese-monster treatment/reactions)
I feel like I have lived two lives. It feels surreal to think that for almost 5 months, I've been eating, sleeping, working, living, breathing in a place so distant and unconnected. Everything familar in my life is alien there, while everything that made Newcastle home is practically non-existant here.
5+ weeks ago, when they sent me off at Darling Harbour, I cried for the most part of the 2.5hr train ride, cried while saying goodbye, cried after saying goodbye. I've never cried about any friends like that before, because in our compact island city, there is really no such thing as goodbye forever. My family, the one I've left behind in Newcastle, is one that I'll very most likely hardly get to meet again, and even if we do, things won't quite be the same, somehow. Somewhere inside of me knew that the moment I saw my parents, I will have to say goodbye to that other life, so in some way, I guess I was also crying for that other me. If the String Theory if true, perhaps the other me, in some other dimension, would get the chance to somehow continue studying in Newcastle against all odds (money and curriculum).
Oh no I hadn't meant for this to be so melancholic! I was supposed to be basking in the joy of love and singing praises about the one who loves me so hehe :D Looooooooooooooveeeeeeeeeeee you!!! >O