(no subject)

Dec 06, 2007 11:19

The weather's been nothing but wet these couple of days and I swear bugs are just freezing in midflight and dropping dead everywhere. My block's corridors are littered with bodies, but that's not the worst part. The worst, is when you wake up in the morning and really need to wee, but every single cubicle is occupied by some bug or other. Case in point:

Scene: Hall 10, Block 50, Level 5, Girls' toilet
Time: Early morning

Cubicle #1 occupant: a 2.5 inch long dragonfly at the base of the toilet bowl
Cubicle #2 occupant: a similar dragonfly (but much less fortunate) in the toilet bowl
Cubicle #3&4 occupants: misc. collection of bug remains in and around the toilet bowls

What does one have to do to get a clean toilet around here? ):

The weather is also really cold! I feel like I'm in some hilltop resort on holiday now. Need to enjoy this feeling of freedom (!) before all the hall work kicks in. It would be a lie to say that I don't regret joining so many activities. Hall life is getting rather weary and the need to participate in so much just to secure a room is beginning to seem like less than a fair trade. Too late, old boy, too late! The two saddest words in English history.

I seem to be posting nothing but youtube vides lately! But youtube is kind of a good resource the way wikipedia is. Anyways here's an air safey demo video by Virgin America! It's truly one of the best of its kind that I've seen! A good demonstration of how far the limits of information communication can be pushed (:

Another animated approach, this time from Virgin Atlantic:

Also animated, but more in keeping with "professional" expectations. A good likeable take on what would otherwise seem dreary though:

Airline standards that I'm sure many a testosterone charged male person or two would love to have today:

Southwest Airlines commercial circa 1972

A less sex-appeal based and more performance-based approach by United Airlines (1982):

A more recent commercial. Rather humourous take, again, by Virgin Airlines:

Airline commercial spoof. Really funny! (P.S. mushy peas + fish and chips are really good! You can get them at Fisherman's Wharf opposite Central)

If you've watched all those videos, you must be out-airlined by now, so here's a non-airline related commercial which is pretty amusing (and banned I think):

funny, videos

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