there's so much more than empty conversations filled with empty words

Jul 17, 2006 08:58

On the 6th of July, 2006, one of my most beloved friends in the world left us piled on top of each other on this island for the vastness that is Australia. Before all the tears and emotion, there is DINNER! (X

Carls Jr.'s juicy burgers :D

Journal I made Nessah.

Look, it's us!

There're loads more pictures (well over a hundred!) but the connection is dozy so I'll leave that for another time! I miss you my crazy butcher!!!! SAY HELLO PLEASE!!!

Took this off prick/sall/sonnie's blog, can't remember who got it first! Anyways, here goes:

10 favourites
Favourite colour: Always changing. Currently, green.
Favourite food: BAKED GOODSSS XD
Favourite song: "Drops of Jupiter" by Train
Favourite movie: Love Actually and My Sassy Girl. Indecision )X
Favourite sport: Uhhh eating. (Everything that has competition counts as a sport. And there are eating competitions, so...)
Favourite season: Autumn, because I haven't experienced it yet.
Favourite day of the week: Friday
Favourite ice-cream flavour: Mint chocolate chip
Favourite book: "The Arkadians" by Lloyd Alexander
Favourite cartoon: Spongebob Squarepants

9 currents
Current mood: Alright
Current song: "On Fire" by Switchfoot
Current book: The Goose Girl by Shanon Hale (a few chapterss into the book I was astonished to find that I know the story! I think I must've watched it as an animation feature sometime)
Current subject studying: NOTHING
Current thought: Thinking about answers to the survey??
Current time: 0906h
Current toenail colour: Look at yours, it's probably the same
Current boyfriend: Swinging single
Current wish: That my metabolic rate will suddenly increase thousand-fold so I can have 500 meals a day without a care in the world!

8 Firsts
1st best friends: Grace, Sandra, Sin Yan
1st crush: This emo boy in kindergarten (of course, the emo description was only added on hindsight. OMG SISSIE I SEE A PATTERN o.O)
1st movie: "The Lion King" I think. Either that or "Aladdin".
1st screen name: Uhhh... toylet_bow! Hahaha looonggg story
1st piercing: JC2, both ears.
1st handphone: Nokia 8250, a half-spoilt hand-me-down from my uncle
1st sport: Skipping in TAF club
1st pet: Terrapins and goldfish

7 Lasts
Last cigarette: Don't smoke
Last drink: Water cooler water from the staff lounge
Last car ride: Yesterday, after getting home from the studio
Last crush: HAHA YOU WISH
Last movie seen: "Love Actually", rewatched it for the 1000000billionth time while jigsawpuzzling with a53 beanies!
Last phone call: From Papa
Last sms: CS telling me that she spends all her lazy sundays doing essays. HAHA YOUR SECRET IS OUTTT XD
Last song played: "Breathe" by Michelle Branch

6 Have you evers
Dated one of ur best friends: Yes. And I quote Sonnie - "Totally fucked up move".
Broken the law: Who hasn't?
Been arrested: By the police, no.
Skinny-dipped: Nope
Been on TV: Yes! Haha in the background of 'Shi Zi Lu Kou' when Tanya came to our school.
Kissed someone you didn't know: Nah

5 things
5 things you are wearing: Glasses, flikflak, bracelet, amulet, yellow U2 top, floofy white skirt, my handydandy worn-to-death Bata shoes and underwear.
5 things I've done today: Topped up my ezlink card, invigilated a sec4 class (super different experience as opposed to invigilating a sec 2 class), worried that the boy who went to the toilet for 15 minutes had fainted/died and toyed with the idea of going in to search for the body, reclaimed my laptop from Tropical Paradise (name of the comlab), posted on the artblog.
5 things I can hear right now: Flipping of pages, clicking of heels, opening/closing of the work room door, soft thumping of leather shoes and myself typing
5 things you can't live without: air, water, food, the arts (art, music, literature, movies..etc), money
5 things you do when you're bored: surf aimlessly, watch tv, read, doodle, eat

4 Places You've Been
Lake Trengganu (sp?)

3 People You Can Tell (Almost) Anything To
I confide in whoever I feel is right for the moment.

2 Choices
Black or White: White
Hot or Cold: Hot. I'd freeze up and fall over the moment temperature falls below 20deg.

1 Wish
To be my own person more, and worry about others less!

OMG! My HOD just came and asked me if tomorrow is my last day of work!! Turns out that the person I'm reliefing only requested four weeks! But she's extending her leave so I get to teach for one extra week.. I think. I'm a little confused. I'm glad it's ending soon, but I don't want it to end SO soon! /:

photos, work, outings, random

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